From the Desk of the Chief Consultant

Turning Complaints into Connections: A Banker’s Tale of Service, Patience, and Success
Date : 19-12-2024
I viewed a video of a customer and the bank manager fighting on a cause pertaining to TDS in Linkedin. But the subject matter of the fight was not explained fully. A matter which could have been solved by tactfully handling the situation ended up in a fight. I, a former banker, also faced such a situation. It happened during the late 80s. I narrate the incident hereunder.
When on transfer, I was taking charge of my new branch. Before taking charge, I received a personal letter from my circle head Deputy General Manager about the behaviour of an individual customer who was creating problems by making innumerable complaints to even RBI and Ministry of Finance about the services given by our bank particularly the branch since long leading to the involvement of CMD at the head office. Hence, my most important first task was to tackle the long lingering customer service problem. I was determined and inspired more because of what my DGM wrote under the last para of his personal letter which said, “Now that you are at the helm, I have good reason to expect as much innovations in your developmental activities as you have already displayed in respect of “Customer Service”. I still preserve the letter.
My first call was made to that particular complainant customer. He never expected a manager visiting him to discuss the matter of his numerous complaints. After my first polite introduction stating that he was the first important customer that I am contacting, I asked him about his idea about our customer service. Neither I showed that I knew his problems nor he could fathom as to the purpose of my visit. But I knew that my first step of making him as my first important customer broke ice leading to the free flow of his pent-up feelings and emotions and I became a good sincere attentive listener.
I did not intervene during pouring out his ebullitions for nearly an hour. At the end of his outburst, he thanked me profusely for giving him importance and hearing his emotional outbursts patiently with demure. I understood that he was a man of inferiority complex and feeling of insecurity. While taking leave, I requested him humbly to visit the branch the next day itself and also to give his suggestions to improve the branch services. He seemed to be very happy.
The next day he came, saw and was conquered. Most of his complaints were very minor, some of them came out of lack of knowledge about banking, and most of his anger were due the fact that none of the officers including the previous managers and even executives were not showing the respect he deserved. Besides, there were some communications gaps among the branch, regional office and head office. The problems were solved and he also fetched some deposits for the branch. He became one of the good customers of the branch getting the required attention. What are the take aways of this experience? The five of the most important aspect of customer service, in my opinion, are as follows.
I always believe, as Peter Drucker puts it, “Customer is business and the purpose of business is to create customer.”
Don’t under estimate any customer.
A purposeful, sincere and honest and effective communication solves the problems.
One of the most important aspects of an effective communication is ‘BE A GOOD AND SINCERE LISTENER.’
The perceptions, culture, values, and business ethics of the bank and the perceptions of the customers are complimentary to each other and if united will not only lead to excellence in business but also ensure an adoring relationship between the bank and the customers and also customer loyalty.
True communication begins when the banker not only accepts the customer but accept him with delight despite his all faults and frailties. At such moments, business is at its best for each other.
Last but not the least in the year 1981 my branch was awarded a CERTIFICATE OF MERIT for its OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE which I even to day preserve it among my various testimonials.
T.R. Radhakrishnan